Children With Additional Needs

At Duke Street Nursery School, every child is welcomed and valued. The Special Educational Needs Coordinator is Louise Phillips. She can be contacted via the Nursery School main office- 01257 262430
All of the staff are highly trained in meeting the needs of the individual child and supporting children with additional needs.
Please contact us or call into nursery at any time if you would like to talk to us about your child's needs or if you would like to know how we can support your child's development.
As a maintained nursery school we ensure that we comply with our duties within the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and the Equality Act 2010.
SEN & Disability Local Offer (SEND)
We are proud of our local offer for Children with SEN and Disabilities. To see our offer please click HERE .To read our SEND policy click HERE.
To read our SEND Information Report click HERE. Partners from across Lancashire have worked together to produce a joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) for special educational needs and/or disability (SEND). This JSNA takes an in-depth look at the population of children and young people with SEND, their outcomes and determinants of SEND.For more information please see the local authority message HERE
To view our Disability and Accessibility policy, please click HERE