Duke Street Nursery School

"Our children and families are at the heart of everything that we do"

Curriculum Progression Mapping

The Early Years Foundation Stage is broken down into seven areas of learning. Three of these areas are Prime Areas and four of these areas are Specific Areas. 


Our curriculum has been written and designed by our highly expert staff, using research, training and professional knowledge. Each area of learning has aspects and clearly shows the knowledge and skills we want children to learn at each stage. Here is an example of some of our curriculum. If you want to discuss and know more about the curriculum, contact the school, and ask for Louise Phillips.


Communication and Language

* Language: Using words
* Language: Grammar
* Understanding
* Listening and attention

Language: Using words

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

* Building Relationships and Positive Attachments
* Self-Regulation: Turn taking and sharing
* Managing Self: Physiological needs
* Self Regulation: Happy and sad
* Self Regulation: Angry and Scared
* Managing Self: Toileting
* Managing Self: Dental Hygiene

Self-Regulation: Turn taking and sharing

Physical Development

* Gross Motor: Controlling my body
* Fine Motor: Controlling my hands

Fine Motor


* Drawing
* Writing (meaning)
* Reading-Physicality
* Reading
* Phonics- Visual discrimination and visual memory

Our phonics scheme is Red Rose Phonics



* Noticing amounts
* Rote counting
* 1:1 Counting and recognising numerals
* Composition and value
* Comparison
* Pattern
* Shape and Space
* Measures

Noticing amounts

Understanding the World

* Technology
* People and communities: Family
* People and communities: Community
* Similarities and difference: The world
* My changing world

My changing world

Expressive Arts and Design

* Music and movement
* Creating wit materials, including block play
* Using my imagination

Music and movement