Duke Street Nursery School

"Our children and families are at the heart of everything that we do"

Governing Body Training


Sue Conron

Effective Governing Body 12th Feb 2016

More Effective Governing Body 25th March 2013

Curriculum Course 5th March 2012

Children Centre Governance Development 27th June 2011

More Effective Governing Body 25th Jan 2011

Children’s Centres – The role of the Governing Body 16th Oct 2008

Children Centre Governance Development 1st Mar 07

Governing Body Self Evaluation 26th February 2007

Governors of Schools with Children’s Centres 2nd Nov 06

Nursery Conference 2003 – 15th May 2003

Strengthening and Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Governing Body 24/03/2022

Management and Governance of Safeguarding in Schools Training 10/10/2022

Safer Recruitment - LCC 22/06/2022

The Prevent Duty - National College 12/11/2022

Designated DSL Training - 17/09/2024 

Annual Safeguarding - 30/10/24

Annual Certificate of Safeguarding for Governors - 01/11/24

Helen Hull

LPDS Governor Forum Meeting 22/06/2021

LCC Safeguarding Training November 2021

Chairs Forum Spring 2022 - online

Chairs Forum Summer 09/06/22

Safeguarding LV1 and LV2 LCC November 2021

Governor Prevent Online - 19/02/2024

DSL Training - LCC Advance 08/11/2021

Management and Governance of Safeguarding in Schools Training 10/10/2022

Being an Effective Governor - 23/05/2022

LGBTQ "Children Questioning Gender" - 22/02/2024

Chairs Forum; LCC - 11/06/24

Preparing for Ofsted inspection; LCC - 12/06/24

LASGB Annual Conference 12/10/24

Supervision in Schools 07/01/2025



Stephanie Macmillan

Annual Certificate in Safeguarding in Governors - National College 29/06/23

Certificate in the Prevent Duty 22-23 - National College 30/06/23

New Governor Training 2024 - LCC 19/02/2024

Online Safety for Governors of Nurseries 2024-2025 - 25/11/24


Claire Holland

Strengthening and Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Governing Body 24/03/2022

Management and Governance of Safeguarding in Schools Training 10/10/2022

The Prevent Duty - National College 17/10/2022

Being an Effective Governor - 23/05/2022

Annual certificate in Safeguarding for Governors 24-25 02/12/24


Karen Stephens

Strengthening and Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Governing Body 24/03/2022

Child Protection and Safeguarding for governors (LCC V Wallace) 04/05/23 

Governor Prevent Online - 19/02/2024

Annual Certificate in Safeguarding for Governors 24-25 27/01/25


Caroline Alston

Strengthening and Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Governing Body 24/03/2022

Management and Governance of Safeguarding in Schools Training 10/10/2022


Helen Belbin

Safeguarding Children level 1 and 2 09/03/2021

Safeguarding Adults Level 2 01/11/2022

The Prevent Duty 01/11/2022

Annual certificate in Safeguarding for Governors - National College 29/05/2023 

The Open University Children Perspectives on Play 20/04/23

The Open University Attachment in the Early Years 20/06/23

The Open University Play, learning and the brain 20/04/23

The Open University Exploring equality and equity in education 19/06/23

Annual certificate in Safeguarding for Governors - National College 20/01/25


Natalie Sinclair 

Management and Governance of Safeguarding in Schools Training 10/10/2022

Safer Recruitment - LCC 22/06/2022

The Prevent Duty - National College 10/10/2022

Being an Effective Governor - 23/05/2022

Annual Safeguarding - 30/10/24

DSL - 21/01/25


Louise Phillips

Prevent Duty - National College - 01/11/2022

Prevent/extremism & radicalisation - Lancashire Prevent Partnership - 05/06/24

New Governor Induction - LCC - 28/06/23

Annual Certificate safeguarding for Governors and Trustees 23/24

DSL - LCC 15/10/24

Annual Safeguarding - 30/10/24

Safer recruitment LCC 29/01/25


Melanie Heywood-Cottingham

Safeguarding for Governors - 06/12/24

SEND governor training - future date 01/05/25